
Google Places Optimisation For Local SEO Success

Google Places OptimisationThe cornerstone of most local SEO campaigns is an optimised Google Places entry. It displays for searches with a geographic intent.

e.g: Newcastle plumber

Local search results normally are placed highly & include phone, address & map data - which makes it more attractive for users.

Additional information may include:

  • Business hours of operation
  • Telephone contact information
  • Business / places images & video
  • Google & 3rd party business reviews
  • Business services

There are several steps you can take that will greatly assist in optimising your Google places entry and help further your local SEO campaign.

Description Optimisation

Ensure the description field is being correctly utilised and optimised. You should include a keyword and quality rich business description, be sure to use as much of the available characters as possible.

A "thin" piece of content will do nothing for the optimisation of your Google places page.

  • Include the core business services and location in the description.
  • Make sure the business description reads well (grammar & spelling)

Category optimisation

You can add additional categories that are used to categorise your business. Using as many as you can will ensure a maximum reach for the Google places entry.

  • Include primary keywords as categories

Service area location optimisation

If the business services certain areas or offers delivery to specific locations be sure to optimise the service area section. It will allow for tighter targeting of localised searches.

Photo & video optimisation

Adding photos & videos to Google places entries not only makes it more attractive and can increase user conversion but can also has direct local SEO benefits.

You can upload your images from your computer directly or from other online services.

  • Include keywords in image names
  • Geo-tag images, to a relevant location
  • Add video from YouTube (that is also optimised)

Additional details optimisation

The additional details section offers the perfect opportunity to further keyword optimise your Google places entry.

Include a range of keyword rich information such as services offered, brands stocked and other high traffic terms local searches would use.

Be creative with this area, its one of the most under utilised areas of many Google places entries.

Local Citations

Having a number of 3rd party, authority citations will benefit your optimised entry greatly. This in itself is a standalone task and will help tie everything in your local SEO campaign together.

  • Deep Linking, home page linking from authority local directories
  • Citations at 3rd party local review websites

Get Optimised

Applying these simple principals can significantly optimise your Google places entry, driving more traffic to your business & website. Capture local customers looking for your product or service.

2 thoughts on “Google Places Optimisation For Local SEO Success”

  1. How can you get you meta description to display in search results.  My listing comes up in position 1 of the local search results but it doesnt display any information about my site so there is no click through

    1.  Hi Marcus,

      Sounds like your places entry is in the standard local results list?

      I found trying to break out of this stock list has yielded the best results. This only happens with a really well optimised places entry, that has "connected" to the website.

      Other then the normal optimisation ensure you:

      1. Add your exact address as per places to the website footer
      2. Use the exact google places embed code to embed your map on your contact page. (on your site)
      3. It may use the description (if its relevant) other wise it will use some on page text.

      Also i haven't seen this with EVERY optimisation I've completed.

      Attached is an example of an entry i optimised some time ago that is looking like what I'm talking about (but its using on page text) it sure beats the standard list where your entry doesn't stand out.

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